南昌大学食品科学与资源挖掘全国重点实验室Xinyue Qin(第一作者)、谢明勇院士、关倩倩博士(通讯作者)等在国际食品期刊《Food Bioscience》发表了题为“Metatranscriptomics unravel the formation mechanism of key flavors during the natural fermentation of suansun, a Chinese traditional fermented bamboo shoot”的研究论文。
Fig. 1. Microbial community composition present in suansun at different fermentation stages based on metatranscriptomics analyses. (A) Relative abundance of microbiota at the genus level; (B) Relative abundance of microbiota at the species level. Only the top 20 species in relative abundance are shown.
Fig. 2. Changes in 5 major organic acids in during suansun fermentation. Data are shown as means ± standard deviation (n = 3).
Fig. 3. Analysis of the volatile compounds during suansun fermentation. PCA score plots (A) and PLS-DA score plots (B) of all volatile compounds; (C) Variable importance in projection (VIP) value of key volatile compounds based on PLS-DA. Green for variable importance in projection (VIP) ≥1, and red for variable importance in projection (VIP) < 1. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 4. PCA score plots from all samples and the quality control samples for ESI+ (A) and ESI- (B) mass-spectrometric data; PLS-DA score plots from all samples for ESI+ (C) and ESI- (D) data.
Fig. 5. Metabolic pathways of key flavor compounds during suansun fermentation based on KEGG database.
Fig. 6. Enzyme reads of microorganisms involved in suansun fermentation (only showing the 15 microbial genera with the highest relative contributions to functional genes). The horizontal axis indicated the selected microbial genus, and the vertical axis indicated the corresponding enzyme number (EC number). The diameter of the bubble represented the absolute abundance of the gene encoding the enzyme, and the colors of the bubbles represent different functional classes. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)